Flowers are lovely; Love is flower-like;
Friendship is a sheltering tree;
O! the joys, that came down shower-like,
— Samuel Taylor Coleridge

As far back as I can remember, flowers have always had an effect on me. They’ve made me smile, they’ve made me cry. They’ve settled my nerves and lifted my spirit.

I began my professional career designing interiors for both residential and commercial clients. In 2008, I switched gears entirely for a stint in sales on Wall Street as a purely financial move. I left Wall Street to lean in to my artistic self again after finding inspiration in the process of planning and designing my wedding in 2011.

Now, with a decade immersed in my real passion, I

have an ever deepening breadth of knowledge and experience across many aspects of the industry; designing/styling weddings and events, floral import and wholesale, and several years in a thriving upscale Local Flower Shop.

Currently enjoying the flexibility and freedom as a Freelance Designer and I am actively booking for 2023 & 2024 event/wedding seasons.

I am always searching for new challenges and opportunities to create.

Do you need help with an upcoming event?